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Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis

Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis

Associate Professor of Structural Engineering
School of Civil Engineering


Dr Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis joined the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds in 2012 and promoted to Associate Professor of Structural Engineering in 2015. Since 2012, he has led the Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite (SCC) Structures research group and since 2017 he is leading the Materials and Structures research theme within the School of Civil Engineering. Dr Tsavdaridis is internationally known through large-scale experiments in the field of structural engineering - more particularly for his work on perforated steel beams and he is holding a few international patents. Some of his research outcomes are widely used by the design and construction industries in a number of applications such as sensitive structures and smart buildings. He has published somewhat 100 scientific articles, journal publications, technical reports and international conference papers. In 2013, he was core member and co-investigator of the successful EPSRC Strategic Equipment Grant proposal for establishing a Multi-Axial Dynamic Shaking Table testing facility at the University of Leeds

Research Interest

1. 'Seismic (and Fire) Resistant-Design of Steel and SCC Structures' Strengthening and Retrofitting Existing Steel Structures Pre-Engineered (Repairable/Replaceable) Connections Optimum Performance-Based Wind/Seismic Design of Tall Slender Steel Buildings Extreme Loads on Critical Infrastructure (e.g., Nuclear Power Plants, Skyscrapers) Hybrid Semi-Active Tuned-Mass Dampers Fire Resistance of Steel and Composite Members 2. 'Structural Topology Optimisation' Design of Novel Perforated (cellular) Structural Beams and Columns Structural Topology Optimisation Techniques on Structural/Non-Structural Elements, Tower Masts, and Exoskeletons of High-Rise Buildings Free-Form Finding Envelopes, Optimisation of Spatial and Shell Structures Innovative Lightweight Precast Composite Flooring Systems 3. 'Digital Design-to-Construction Processes' Digital Design and Systems Interactions (design-socio-economic) Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Smart Structural Products Building Information Modelling and RFID Integration 4. 'Code Drafting | Design Guidelines | Specifications and Standards' Eurocodes (EC) Steel Construction Institute (SCI) British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib CEB-FIP)